воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

first air plane

This has been a crazy and wonderful week

Tuesday I went to a benefit for the Meijer Heart Center. It was a tad awkward since I was the youngest person there by a lot and the only PA. It was a bunch of doctors in suits trying to impress everyone. Almost no one at their desserts so I didnapos;t either. I hope Iapos;m not the type of person that would face backward in an elevator just because everyone else did but I just didnapos;t want to look like a little piggy :) Overall it was entertaining and the food was delicious.

Wednesday I headed home, went to the dentist (no cavities), then met up with Jayme and Kim for some yummy Lebanese food. I had never been to the place before, it was pretty good. It was nice to catch up with Kim and Jayme, havenapos;t seen them for awhile. Itapos;s rare that we are all in town at the same time. Then I went home and got ready for my interview. It was pretty fun. After explaining in as much detail as I could how WMH operates both the cardiologists and MLPs asked me if they were hiring. Haha, doesnapos;t instill much faith in NWOCC. I think it went pretty well. Iapos;ll find out tomorrow, when I talk to the HR guy. I would be surprised if I took that job but who knows...

Thursday I spent shopping with my mom and grandma. It was strange because usually when Iapos;m with my mom she buys me everything. This time I paid for everyoneapos;s lunch (we had sushi mmm), I bought my own groceries and stuff for the Halloween party (my mom was encouraging me to buy all sorts of stuff) and I bought my grandma a belated birthday present. I also bought a new pair of tennis shoes. Geesh We had a good time but got back later than I had planned and I still needed to find all my winter stuff and pack up my car. My grandma gave me a souvenir from Charleston which I just love. Itapos;s a picture frame with 3 4x6s, one of a fountain in a park downtown, one of rainbow row, and a sunset picture. She bought them the street market. They just bring back so many great memories. It was such a good gift. I didnapos;t get out of the house till about 530 but that was fine. I got home and unpacked, watched The Office, wrote Thank You notes, and went to bed at a decent hour so I could endure my 15 hour day on Friday.

Friday at work was stressful but tolerable since I knew I had a great weekend coming up.

This weekend has been spectacular I havenapos;t been able to sleep in since Iapos;ve been getting up so early all week so despite going to bed at one AM Iapos;m still waking up at 7/730. Yesterday I got to the gym, just relaxed, then headed to the library and to meet up with Keith. We went on a little color tour walk on the white pine trail. We had quite the adventure. We discovered some toothbrush plants, milk weed, lots of grasshoppers and caterpillars, a praying mantis too. I tried to climb a tree and fell and Keith captured the moment in a series of photos. After that we headed to Robinetteapos;s for cider/donuts/caramel corn. We were going to get pumpkins there but they had a poor selection so we decided to go to Meijer for those. The orchard was a very nice fall experience. It was packed with people. It smelled soooo good

Then we headed to Meijer but they only had like three crappy pumpkins. We called Cascade Meijer to see if they had any but the guy didnapos;t know what a pumpkin was and when he finally figured it out he didnapos;t want to check if they had any left so he hung up on me Apparently I wasnapos;t nice on the phone but I think they just misunderstood me. Anyhow, Jenny didnapos;t think they would have any but Keith and I were determined to find some pumpkins so we made the trek over there and sure enough they had gobs of pumpkins. We had fun picking them out and ended up filling our cart with 7 good sized ones. Both Keith and I bought two. Back at my house we carved them, lit them, and toasted and ate their guts The seeds were quite tasty. I have plenty more for the party too. Chris had brought his projector and hooked it up to the wii. It looked really good and was tons of fun. We played tennis until everyoneapos;s arms were tired then some bowling, then some rummy cube and called it a night.

Today I woke up early again and cleaned the house a little. I put out my decorations and decided I didnapos;t have enough so Iapos;m going to get some more on my next shopping trip. I also pumped up my bike tires in preparation for a ride possibly today. Now I think Iapos;m going to work on my costume a little...probably going to watch The Bucket List tonight. I donapos;t have to work until 3 tomorrow Itapos;s been a good day and its only 230
first air plane, first air planes, first air rifles, first air transport company.

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